Highlights from the 7th India-EU Smart Grids Workshop

From 12 to 16 March, the Indian Smarty Utility Week was held.

More than 1800 delegates from 41 countries gathered in New Delhi to discuss trends, share best practices and showcase next-generation technologies and products in smart energy and smart cities domains.

Swetha Bhagwat, Head of FSR Global, was a moderator in the EU-India Smart Grid Workshop on 13th of March. On the 14th of March, the India Smart Grid Forum, the European Commission and the Florence School of Regulation collaborated in the organisation of the EU-India Workshop on Power Markets Design.

Couldn’t make it to India? We have you covered! 

Tune in to the event recordings below for insights

Swetha Bhagwat introducing the India-EU smart grid forum

Keynote speech by Andris Piebalgs


Prad Bhagwat on capacity markets


 Tim Schittekatte on EU electricity day-ahead markets


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