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The purpose of the International Environmental Evaluators Network (EEN) is to advance the practice, policy and theory of evaluating environmental programmes, policies and other interventions. Since 2012, forums of the European Environmental Evaluators’ Network (EEEN) have been organised to promote more systematic and collective learning in these areas. The 2015 EEEN Forum (see programme) has brought together practitioners and users of environmental evaluation to share views, knowledge and experiences about the use, relevance and future priorities for climate and environment policy evaluation from their respective viewpoints. 
Highlights by Paul McAleavey, Head of Air and Climate Change, EEA


Artur Runge-Metzger, Director ‘International & Climate Strategy’, DG Climate Action

Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director, European Environment Agency

Juha I. Uitto, Global Environment Facility, Independent Evaluation Office

Video recording of morning sessions

KEYNOTE SPEECHES: Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Member of the European Parliament

Artur Runge-Metzger, Director ‘International & Climate Strategy’, Directorate General for Climate Action of the European Commission

ROUND TABLE: chaired by Xavier Labandeira, Director, FSR Climate Presentations/Papers

Evaluation for modern climate policies – the challenges ahead (Keynote speech)
Artur Runge-Metzger || Director ‘International & Climate Strategy’, DG Climate Action, European Commission

Breakout sessions (speakers listed in alphabethical order)

Is the energy union example of better regulation? Ana-Maria Boromisa || Institution for Development and International Relations

The importance of political-interactive and institutional approaches for evaluating transformative change towards sustainability. Lessons learnt from an institutional evaluation of flood risk governance in six European countriesAnn Crabbé || University of Antwerp

The triple bottom line for policy evaluation: a qualitative approach to climate change and sustainabilityBianca Cavicchi || Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomy Research

Providing evidence syntheses for policy and practice decision makers: experiences gained from the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsAlexandra Collins || UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Imperial College London

Investigating urban sustainable energy policies in Europe: experiences from the Covenant of Mayors (paper) Edoardo Croci || Bocconi University

Ex-post evaluation reporting under the EU Monitoring Mechanism the EUFrançois Dejean || European Environment Agency

On the road towards a post-carbon industry: European Union environmental policy and its side-effectsDaniel Gabaldon-Estevan || University of Valencia

Why it is possible to design an innovative environmental policy- a case for Germany´s environmental governance (paper) Azhan Hasan || Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU)

Environmental evaluation of the French Urban Mobility Plans (paper) Odile Heddebaut || IFSTTAR – The French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks

Design principles for monitoring and evaluating adaptive managementLeon Hermans || Delft University of Technology

Evaluation as learning ‘in and for’ climate-related policy and water management in the Netherlands Anne Loeber || University of Amsterdam

Linking actor level and system level? Methodical challenges in attributing long-term system effects to sustainability transition programsAnne Loeber || University of Amsterdam

Results of a decomposition analysis of the changes in GHG emissions in the EU and Member StatesAlistair Ritchie || ICF International

Evaluating climate policy experimentation: key lessons from polycentric governanceJonas Schoenefeld || Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia

The effect of the EU and the UNFCCC on the EU-15 emission trajectories during Kyoto (paper) I Detlef Sprinz || Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

You cannot manage what you do not measure: an evaluation tool for transition processesLize Van Dyck and Kris Bachus || HIVA-KU Leuven

A framework for monitoring and evaluation of a national adaptation strategyJelle van Minnen || PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Department of Climate, Air and Energy

 Feedback from thematic clusters


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Villa La Fonte – Conference Room
Villa La Fonte, Via delle Fontanelle
Fiesole, Florence 50014 Italy

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