Artur Runge-Metzger, Director ‘International & Climate Strategy’, DG Climate Action
Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director, European Environment Agency
Juha I. Uitto, Global Environment Facility, Independent Evaluation Office
Video recording of morning sessions
KEYNOTE SPEECHES: Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Member of the European Parliament
Artur Runge-Metzger, Director ‘International & Climate Strategy’, Directorate General for Climate Action of the European Commission
ROUND TABLE: chaired by Xavier Labandeira, Director, FSR Climate Presentations/Papers
Evaluation for modern climate policies – the challenges ahead (Keynote speech)
Artur Runge-Metzger || Director ‘International & Climate Strategy’, DG Climate Action, European Commission
Breakout sessions (speakers listed in alphabethical order)
Is the energy union example of better regulation? Ana-Maria Boromisa || Institution for Development and International Relations
The importance of political-interactive and institutional approaches for evaluating transformative change towards sustainability. Lessons learnt from an institutional evaluation of flood risk governance in six European countriesAnn Crabbé || University of Antwerp
The triple bottom line for policy evaluation: a qualitative approach to climate change and sustainabilityBianca Cavicchi || Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomy Research
Providing evidence syntheses for policy and practice decision makers: experiences gained from the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsAlexandra Collins || UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Imperial College London
Investigating urban sustainable energy policies in Europe: experiences from the Covenant of Mayors (paper) Edoardo Croci || Bocconi University
Ex-post evaluation reporting under the EU Monitoring Mechanism the EUFrançois Dejean || European Environment Agency
On the road towards a post-carbon industry: European Union environmental policy and its side-effectsDaniel Gabaldon-Estevan || University of Valencia
Why it is possible to design an innovative environmental policy- a case for Germany´s environmental governance (paper) Azhan Hasan || Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU)
Environmental evaluation of the French Urban Mobility Plans (paper) Odile Heddebaut || IFSTTAR – The French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks
Design principles for monitoring and evaluating adaptive managementLeon Hermans || Delft University of Technology
Evaluation as learning ‘in and for’ climate-related policy and water management in the Netherlands Anne Loeber || University of Amsterdam
Linking actor level and system level? Methodical challenges in attributing long-term system effects to sustainability transition programsAnne Loeber || University of Amsterdam
Results of a decomposition analysis of the changes in GHG emissions in the EU and Member StatesAlistair Ritchie || ICF International
Evaluating climate policy experimentation: key lessons from polycentric governanceJonas Schoenefeld || Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia
The effect of the EU and the UNFCCC on the EU-15 emission trajectories during Kyoto (paper) I Detlef Sprinz || Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
You cannot manage what you do not measure: an evaluation tool for transition processesLize Van Dyck and Kris Bachus || HIVA-KU Leuven
A framework for monitoring and evaluation of a national adaptation strategyJelle van Minnen || PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Department of Climate, Air and Energy
FSR Climate is delighted to announce the third International Conference on Ex-Post Evaluation of Emissions Trading on Monday, scheduled on…
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